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Our little community

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These ladies are our friends & customers; Enid, who always keeps her rollers in!

Mrs Fazackalee, who is a widow who likes to have her parrot, The Admiral, with her at all times, and Mrs Tiplady, who is the president of Mrs T's WI group.

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This is our good friend Norman. He has a lovely friendship with Enid. Norman is a very handy chap to know during a war. He manages to supply most people with whatever he can come across!

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The two people on the left of this photograph are our local theatricals, Bertram Valentine & Miss Rosalind Hathaway.  Miss Hathaway is a lot more demure than Bertram Valentine.  Bertram Valentine is loud and doesn't seem to mind who knows his business!

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Our errand boy Sidney is very knowledgeable about bicycles and has a bicycle repair service, which he runs from his backyard.  Sidney is a splendid member of staff & is very good at holding back customers when we have chocolate on the counter.

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Sidney's mother, Shirley often pops into the shop. Her husband is away in the navy. When she pops into my shop she leans over the counter & winks at me. Sometimes she gets behind my counter to try to help me. If I'm perfectly honest with you, I find her quite scary. 

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This site is copyright to Helen Butler. Please do not copy any content, including images, without consent.

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